Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Summer Activities

Over the summer Big Boy was enrolled in several fun activities. We enrolled in a Soccer program, with the program he didn't get to play any actual games, just fun playing with a small group of children. They all get to learn the fundamentals of the game, the tricks and turns of learning to be a really great soccer player. Big Boy is really interested in the game at the moment so he is really loving it. He gets to go to it twice a week. He is really getting better at ball handling and all the fun stuff.

We also enrolled him into swimming lessons, for those of you who didn't know Big Boy was terrified of water. Not like I can't get him in the bathtub, but at my nephew's birthday party last year it took him an hour and a half to get him in the swimming pool, in which he had to be held very tightly the whole time. So awesome guy and I decided that maybe swimming lesson would help. We also bought him a pool, a little up to not even my knee pool, but to Big Boy it is huge, we it took him a very long time to just sit down. Well he didn't pass swimming lessons but he can now.........

  • Get in the water all by himself in the shallow end.
  • Go underwater with and without holding his nose.
  • and swimming underwater in his pool with the snorkle.
Now like I said he didn't pass but he did what I wanted him to and so I'm pretty proud oh him.

We also enrolled him in a Tball program, for the month of June all they did was learn about the game and what to do. Well for 2 weeks he has games and he is really doing a really great job.

I'll post about the games later, but I think that Big Boy is turning into a little sports star!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh good job, 2 posts in 2 days!!! Love the pictures of Big Boy!! I did not know he was scared of the water!!
