Well Big boy had his spring concert yesterday for school, it's so hard to believe that the school year is almost over! So the classes sang 8 songs, the must of been practicing for a while and big boy did a very nice job keeping it a secret on which songs they were doing!!!
The little actions they did were so cute!!
He really got into it!!
I actually think it was ahead of everyone else.
Not quite sure what they are doing here but I also can't remember what song this picture is from seeings how I took over 400 photos of the whole concert!! LOL
It's really hard for me to believe that big boy will be in kindergarten next year, I really find it very sad!! Oh well we have a very busy fun filled summer ahead of us. We have decided to enroll him in swimming lessons (somehow he is so scared of the pool), more soccer, on top of the british soccer camp and we are going let him try T-ball hopefully he is better at that then I was and he will be able to go around the T!! I'll keep you posted!!