Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Big Boy's Big BooBoo

While at my sister's house on sunday night for my niece's birthday party, Big boy was receiving a piggyback from his cousin's cousin and she tripped and he flew over her head. My nephew came running in the house saying "he is covered in blood", I assumed that he had a scratch or something little, but no his whole face was covered in blood, at that point I couldn't even tell where he was bleeding from. Thank goodness for my sister because I wouldn't have known what to do, she took very good care of him. He was so upset he even asked at one point 'am I dying" which made me start crying, I pretty sure I made it worse, but it really upset me that I could stop the pain my dad made me leave the room because I couldn't calm down so big boy was feeding off of me. His cousins cousin felt so bad, and we tried to tell her it wasn't her fault.

Thank goodness someone had candy in their purse because that is the only way that my sister was able to get him all fixed up. He has a bunch of scratches by his left eye, scratched up his nose really bad, big scratch on his forehead, busted his lip and in between his eyes are swollen. But by the end of the party he was right back outside playing with all of the other kids.

This was later that night when we were back home, he was a little upset when he looked in the mirror, and had a hard time with bath that night.

This was the next day at my parents, he isn't really bothered by it anymore, he does scratch and rub it a little. His left eye is starting turn black and blue.

This was today a little more bruising around his eyes and he doesn't want it covered up anymore and he can talk about easier. He still has swelling, but nothing slows him down. He has truely shown that he is my Big Boy.

Sesame Street Live

Big boy and I were lucky enough to go to sesame street live last week!! Unfortunately Awesome guy was outta town on business. We went with a big group of friends will all loved it!!! It was an experience I'm really glad that he was able to go to!!